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Airplane Engine
Our Experience and Expertise: Projects
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Navbirds has extensive expertise in advising on aircraft sale and purchase transactions and related matters. We have legal, financial, technical, insurance and other professional advisors -often across multiple jurisdictions.

Selected Experience Includes

— Advising on a number of aircraft purchases and sales, including but not limited to
Falcon 7X/8X, Gulfstream G450/G550/G650, Global 6000, BBJ and ACJ318/319 for various
Hong Kong and Mainland aircraft owners, aircraft managers and brokers.

— Acting for an Irish lender and receivers appointed in respect of a private jet to be
repossessed and sold as part of an enforcement under the loan in respect of the aircraft.

— Acting for one major financial leasing company in Mainland China on the acquisition and
subsequent re-financing of a portfolio of 3 aircrafts leased to multinational carriers in Asia
Pacific area.

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